How to get Punjab National Bank mini statement? Many times we have to face problems due to not knowing the correct method of extracting the mini statement. To help you out, we have decided to write the complete process of how to get Punjab National Bank mini statement. In this article you will be given complete information related to it.
PNB Bank Mini Statement
Please read this article till the end so that you can get the mini statement of your bank account without any problem. We have already come to know how to check Punjab National Bank balance . Now we know how to get Punjab National Bank mini statement.
PNB Bank Mini Statement Number
Check my PNB mini statement? You can check your PNB mini statement in varied ways. You can give a missed call to 1800-180-2223 or 0120-2303090, or you can send ‘MINSTMT<space>Account Number’ to 5607040.
How to get Punjab National Bank mini statement? – Various process –
Punjab National Bank provides multiple processes to its customers to view the mini statement. We are going to discuss about all of them in detail.
1) Through miss call –
This is the easiest way to check Punjab National Bank account mini statement.
Punjab National Bank mini statement number is – 1800-180-2223 or 0120-2303090
- First you have to copy this given number.
- Then you have to paste in the dial of your phone.
- After that call this number from the mobile number linked to your bank account.
- The call will be automatically disconnected and the mini statement will be sent to your number.
2) Through mobile app –
Punjab National Bank also provides mobile app. With its help, you can take advantage of all the banking facilities. You can also check mini statement from this app. For this you have to follow the following steps.
- First of all you open the PNB ONE app.ANDROID / iOS
- Then login to this app by giving your details.
- On the home page of this app, you will get an option by doing Mpassbook , click there.
- Then you have to select for how long you want the statement.
- Below you will find an option of Search , click on it.
- Your bank account statement will appear in front of you.
3) Through Net Banking –
If you are a net banking user of Punjab National Bank, you can also get mini statement with the help of this. For this you have to follow some steps and that step is:
- First you come to their website.
- In the right corner, you will find the option of Internet Banking, click there.
- Then you will get two options, Retail Internet Banking & Corporate Internet Banking . Select whatever is according to you.
- Then enter your User ID and click on Continue .
- On the next screen you have to enter the password and login.
- Then click on Dashboard .
- After that click on Account Statement .
- Select the account statement date and click on Search .
- Your account statement will be shown.
4) Through SMS –
You can also check mini statement of Punjab National Bank through SMS Banking. For this you just have to send a short message. You have to write MINSTMT <space> <16 digit account number> in the message and send it to 5607040 . Shortly after sending the message, a message will be received in your phone with a mini statement.
5) Through ATM –
You can use ATM to withdraw money as well as check mini statement. If you have an ATM of Punjab National Bank, then take it to the nearest ATM. You will be asked for the PIN as soon as you insert the card in the ATM. After entering the PIN, you will get many options. From that the Mini Statement option has to be selected. You will get mini statement show.
What is the customer number of Punjab National Bank?
If you have to make some allegations or need some help, then you can call the customer care number of Punjab National Bank. The customer care number of Punjab National Bank is – 1800 180 2222 .
How to register mobile number in Punjab National Bank?
If you did not enter mobile number at the time of account opening, you can do so now. For this you have to go to the nearest branch, take a form from there and fill it and submit it along with your documents. After some time your mobile number will be added to your account.
How to check your account in Punjab National Bank?
There are many ways to check your account balance. You can call on 1800 180 2223 or you can send SMS to 5607040 by typing BAL . You will get the balance of Punjab National Bank.
Summary –
Now you know how to get Punjab National Bank mini statement. In this article, we have talked about four more ways along with Punjab National Bank mini statement number. We hope that now you will not have any question related to this. Still, if you have any questions, you can ask in the comments below, we will try our best to answer them. If you liked this article, then share it with your friends so that they too can get complete information about how to get Punjab National Bank mini statement. Thank you for reading this article till the end, have a nice day.